Wealth without Health is a Pointless Intent![]() We know exactly what we're supposed to do. We know that we need to move our bodies a lot more - and stop eating trash. It sounds so simple but it seems so hard to put into practice - and if we do make a start, it's so easy to quit, make excuses and return to our unhealthy lifestyles. Of course, that's when we start suffering the results of our choices - again. These truths will never go away. But wouldn't it be amazing if we could find something that would give us a huge kick-start, a boost of energy that we could feel in our body as well as in our mind? And for this to take effect even before we've committed to a new physical or dietary regime. What if there was something that could eradicate the countless toxins we've picked up from our food, our water and air; from prescriptions, supplements and injections? What if we found the best that nature provides and mixed it together to create a daily dose of nutrients that caused a huge boost in our physical and mental wellbeing. I'm so glad I came across ROOT. I've used other detoxing supplements in the past but these products are extraordinary. See this short video (under 2 mins) as a quick introduction: I could talk at length about the benefits that I and my friends have been experiencing (I even introduced it to a former Mr Universe who's always been obsessed with physical wellbeing) but the best thing is to simply try it out.
Start small, take it slow, follow the guidance they provide. Once you feel the changes in your body and mind, I think you'll you'll be so glad you gave it a shot.
Quantum Jump and Access the Wisdom of the FutureThought you might like this. I've been using it for a while now and it never fails to provide new and empowering perspectives on my situation This professionally produced meditation leads you to a deeply relaxed state and opens evolved ways of thinking about Who You Are and How You Do Life. Learn secrets to your future success, not from another 'guru' but, from YOURSELF. If you like what you hear, you can buy and download your own High Quality copy of the track in the Product Store. If you love this audio experience, let me know what other meditations you think I should be creating in the comments below.
Dear Wealth,Seems like we’ve been out of touch for a while. I miss you. I thought I’d write. I’ve been remembering those wonderful days when it seemed like you were around all the time. It was such fun. You opened doors to many wonderful activities and opportunities. You gave me many more choices as I lived my life – helped me to experience so much more and help others who were struggling too. I was connected to many people who appreciated what I could do for them and you seemed to enjoy that environment. WHERE ARE YOU NOW? It’s clear now that things cooled and I realise that I started to take you for granted. Maybe I took those people for granted too. Maybe it was a failure of communication with all parties. I’ve previously thought of you as rather unpredictable – but I’ve finally realised that’s it’s not been you; it’s been ME! Duh. Forgive me. I didn’t value you as I should have. I let things slip and took my eye off what was important. People will always be more important to me than you are – I won’t apologise for that – only I now see that I’d neglected to acknowledge what is important to you. I got so used to you being here that I must have assumed you could look after yourself – I think I sometimes forgot to feed you. No wonder you didn’t stay around after that! THE CHANGING SCENE Sure, circumstances changed but I should have taken responsibility to create a new, nurturing environment for you. A place you would feel welcome and supported. Sometimes, it’s true, we need to seek out a new field – to climb higher up the mountain or move to a more fertile valley. Others want you – that’s very clear. Others want me to let go of you and try to persuade me to hand you over for good. Going forward, I’ll review each exchange for its long-term value, rather than its immediate benefits. I’ll carefully select the right seed for the right soil and climate. I’ll give the process due time and consideration. A NEW LEAF So, as we face a New Year, I’m committing again to doing ten specific things I believe are necessary to attract you back into my life and keep you close by. This is my new way of doing things:
I hope all this will encourage you to return in abundance and stay with me for the long haul. Yours sincerely, Me. WHAT'S DRIVING YOUR MONEY DECISIONS?
If you’ve read my first book, Team Me - How to Play your Best Game in Life, then you’ll be familiar with six essential, archetypal characters that can help us all to step up our game, to take better action and significantly improve our performance in any situation. Archetypes, by their very nature, are recognised by everyone on this planet; irrespective of race, creed, colour, language, gender or geographic location – this is because we have ALL have something of their distinctive character traits within us. The point is this: these archetypal characters hold the key to your personal wealth. Your power to generate wealth is not fixed by your education, your skills, nor even because of the opportunities that have been laid before you. What has driven your results in life so far is your CHARACTER – and so an assessment of character is an essential first step in your journey to greater abundance. When I’ve shared this message with my coaching clients, people at live events, podcasts and online forums I’ve often had people come up and say very similar things: “I looked into archetypes before but found it too complicated – You made it simple and immediately useful.” “The more I listened, the more it made sense. I wish I’d understood this earlier.” Added to that, multiple best-selling author Brian Tracy said that Team Me “Shows you how to unlock your full potential for success and achievement.” How archetypes get to the root of thingsThis way of understanding yourself really does impact the way you do life and the financial results you get. It does this, firstly, by giving you a new perspective; the way you perceive WHO YOU ARE in any situation. This, in turn, provides you with more empowering options - enabling you to take a more effective APPROACH to whatever challenges and opportunities you face. It also helps you assess where OTHERS are coming from – quickly understanding their motivations and point of view. You’ll then be better able to assess their contributions and communicate much more effectively by speaking their language. This is essential as you partner with others and when you seek to make any kind of sale. This approach can also help you create highly effective teams - helping you establish the optimal mix of archetypes necessary to cover each, vital area of business and build long-term relationships that ultimately drive business performance. Getting clarityThe first step in this journey is for you to complete your own Power Profile – to discover your personal strengths by identifying your two most dominant archetypal characters. This will reveal who is steering the ship, so to speak, and give you powerful new insights into why you do, what you do, the way that you do it. Be aware though, that there is always a shadow-side to your dominant archetypes. In such a state your greatest strengths can become your greatest weaknesses. Your personal Power Profile will highlight these key traits and, if you pay attention to them, may save you a lot of trouble in the future. Two things to add,
Thankfully, the first step is both simple and easy; Complete your own Power Profile - then explore the descriptions you’re provided for your dominant archetypal characters. teamme.app/money/ After that, hit the ‘Keep Playing’ link to explore the many ways you can further develop character traits you realise you need; learning how to achieve more by becoming more. This way you can be far more effective in every aspect of life and be far better prepared to deal with the challenges that come your way. If that’s what you want, then I’ll see you on the inside. If you want to understand things in detail, check out my earlier blog post on these Money Archetypes.
Waking upIt was before 6am that Spring morning and immediately on waking I felt a familiar disquiet in my body. Feelings like this are not always quick to identify themselves but I took a moment to let it surface - to allow the feeling a voice. It was a sort of fear, for sure, but I wanted to be specific. Then it came to me - I realised this uneasy feeling could be summed up with the phrase ‘Not enough.’A belief of this kind can cause all kinds of morbid results. These results don’t remain inside our heads, they manifest themselves in 1001 ways in our actions . Anyone going around with a belief like this in their mind - whether conscious or unconscious makes little difference - will invariably drain inner resources to compensate for this perceived lack. The lack doesn’t have to be real - not at all. It just needs to be believed to be real. There’s Never EnoughA feeling of lack is a reflection of a deeper limited understanding of life that we could call ‘poverty thinking’. Somebody might say, “There's just not enough time,” or, more specifically, “I just do not have enough time.” How does it feel when you hear that? How does it feel when you say that to yourself? What we tend to find is that when someone complains about a lack of finances, they almost always see lack in many, if not every, other area of life. The way you see one thing is the way you see everything - not because of what it is, but because it’s you who are projecting the judgement upon the thing. I'm not saying we should be unrealistic in our assessments of available resources, what I am saying is that we very often default to negative statements about our situation that are at least pessimistic - and at worst simply untrue. To be plain, let’s call these ‘lies’. We tell ourselves lies all the time and we fail to challenge our own thinking. We have erected bars at the windows and doors of our own cell and probably find ourselves polishing them daily - whenever they come into view This is nuts isn't it? Simply crazy. Mental conversationsAnd yet if we're honest would have to admit that these sorts of phrases regularly echo through our minds. I do not have enough money I do not have enough space I do not have enough days of holiday I do not have enough connections ...opportunities ...talent ...influence ...health ...abundance ...equipment ...sense, shoes! In stating these things it's important to realise that it is not so much the words themselves that matter but the feeling that comes with your chosen words The feeling you have in your body will be your clearest indicator of what the statement that you've identified actually means to you. So, understanding that it is the meaning that counts and learn to recognise the signs of poverty thinking. Then you can consciously choose more empowering phrases. Simply swap the disempowering phrases for ones that give you hope, boost your confidence and steer you into positive action. It's it now time to choose to simply
kill to poverty mindset and choose an Abundance Mindset today - and every day. The Book and the WebsiteIMPORTANT UPDATE and VIRUS WARNING: Please DO NOT attempt to access anything on oneminutemillionaire.com The site looks authoritative but has now been built by scammers, passing-off as Robert G. Allen and enticing you to click/download files that contain computer viruses. *** My original blog post follows... It was back in 2002 that Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen published their remarkable 'enlightened way to wealth' in the form of the book 'The One Minute Millionaire'. It was inspiring, thought-provoking and practical. As an avid reader of all aspects of personal development I was intrigued to hear that they had a website set up to provide all kinds of resources and even an online profiling tool for us wannabe millionaires. The problem was, as you may have found yourself, that their www.oneminutemillionaire.com website has not actually been live for a long time. I presume it once was - but I could find no sign of it. They clearly stated that they were providing these valuable resources for us eager readers: I was disappointed...So, what to do? Rather than just move on, I decided to share what I'd learned with others seeking personal financial growth. So, this site was born with the aim of helping people on their own money quest. Providing free stuff and links to a few resources that I believe to be valuable. I've hooked up with my long-time friend Clare Turner Marshall, who has much wisdom to share around not just making-money, but getting all kinds of areas of life in order. Your Next Best StepMy own money journey has been a struggle. A thousand dreams that didn't generate that sort of returns I'd hoped for. But I've learned.... a lot. And persisting, over what has in truth been years, things have slowly come together. Each step of the way I've met people who've helped... and a few that have hindered. I've discovered the value of mapping out details, of ensuring I constantly review where I am and where I want to be. I've learned that once you have an essential vision, getting the right people around you is the most important thing - for no one achieves the dream alone. Are you committed?If you're like me, committed to making the most of your days on this planet and creating the level of abundance you believe is possible, then make sure you get clear on who you are using this extraordinary profiling tool and Clare's remarkable Money Course.
Take action. Grow on the inside. Become all you came here to be. Who do you think you are? Creating abundant wealth is all about maximising your potential to earn and making daily decisions about what you’re going to do with the money that you have generated. The way that you go about this, in fact the way you go about doing anything in life, is not just a matter of how fortunate you’ve been or how educated you are; the way you handle money is rooted in your sense of identity. Identifying the character you’ve chosen to play in your personal theatre of life is essential if you want to understand why you do what you do with money. Developing your awareness in this way will help you play to your natural strengths and recognise (and overcome) any natural weaknesses you identify. Six Money ArchetypesThere are six universal characters that we all reflect to some degree. Once you’ve discovered who they are you will see more clearly how the roles you play in life have a real impact your personal money story and on your financial results. These characters are not new; they’ve actually been around since humans have walked the earth. They continually crop up in classic movies and ancient myths because they represent important aspects of what it means to be human. As you learn about each of these characters, ask yourself how much you see of yourself in these descriptions, because some will definitely be more ‘you’ than others. These archetypes are taken from Pad’s TEAM ME – How to Play Your Best Game in Life program. You can discover your personal Money Archetypes with this unique, free Money Archetype Profiling Tool. The Sovereign (King or Queen)If you’re a sovereign, you are good at setting boundaries for your money and insist upon a high level of control. You feel a clear sense of responsibility with what you’ve earned and have been given and you plan for the long-term; seeing everything as an investment. You do not look for immediate returns and are good at maintaining a healthy balance between caution and calculated risk. You do not act impulsively and are not drawn towards promises of quick returns but seek out wise counsel from experienced individuals whom you have learned to trust. You like to command from the centre, finding and employing others who have proven themselves trustworthy and capable over the long term in the management of money. The Sovereign thinks that life is all about: having the power to establish their realm with order, peace and prosperity. 3 Empowering Traits
3 Disempowering Traits
The WarriorIf you’re a Warrior, you use money to get things done and tend to act immediately on a good idea. You are focused and persistent, determined and may even be seen as aggressive as you continually press on towards your money goals. Money enables you to take territory, to gather trophies, to experience more of life and enjoy the rewards that come from all your efforts. You are not afraid of confronting challenges and taking bold decisions, which might involve significant risks, and are fully committed to fulfilling your mission, achieving all your aims, and winning the prize. The Warrior thinks that life is all about: getting the job done. 3 Empowering Traits
The SageIf you are a Sage, you always manage money carefully, intelligently and logically. You are good at monitoring, calculating and analysing the assets that you have, as well as the opportunities before you. You never get emotional about money decisions but instead rely entirely upon the facts that present themselves, as well as lessons drawn from past experiences and matters that can be reliably predicted in a mathematical way. You are both cautious and curious and want to find out exactly how things work before you make any decisions. The Sage thinks that life is all about: continual learning and gaining accurate and superior knowledge. 3 Empowering Traits
The MysticIf you’re a Mystic, you love to dream. You live with a vision of a better future and can imagine 101 things that you could do to get there. Life, to you, is rather magical and you find that many people are inspired by your unique perspectives and your general belief that everything will come good in the end. You’re always looking for the deeper meaning in things and so, in the grand scheme of things, you tend to regard money as much less important than the deeper stuff. The Mystic thinks that life is all about: making dreams come true. 3 Empowering Traits
3 Disempowering Traits
The LoverIf you’re a lover, you crave connection more than anything. You are sensually orientated, have a love of beauty and a real desire to connect with other people. Everything in your life focuses around the people you care about; husband, wife, significant ones, children, wider family and friends. You are frequently spurred into action by passion and compassion. Lovers believe that every moment of life should be savoured and so they spend their money on those they love, on social gatherings and upon creating environments and experiences that draw them close to people, quite often involving travel to exotic places. The Lover thinks that life is all about: connection and harmony. 3 Empowering Traits
3 Disempowering Traits
The JesterIf you’re a Jester, you can’t take life too seriously. You are playful and colourful, constantly looking for opportunities to make things fun. You like to box outside the think (J) and generally do the unexpected in your unique and light-hearted way. The Jester thinks that life is all about: making things fun. 3 Empowering Traits
3 Disempowering Traits
Your Money Archetype Power ProfileIt’s important that we don’t simply label ourselves as being one of these characters. Instead we should recognise that we are actually a unique mix of all these characters; it’s just that some will definitely be stronger in our life than others.
To discover your personal Archetype Power Profile, your dominant traits and key weaknesses to watch out for, simply answer the questions at: teamme.app/money/ Once defined, you’ll benefit greatly from regularly reviewing your Power Profile and finding ways to develop the characters you need as you continue on your money journey and achieve your money goals. No messing... here's the link to the Nightingale Conant audio download page:Here are a number of Nightingale Conant's most idea-rich audio segments available as FREE MP3 downloads.
Go ahead, click on any link to download your favorite MP3. They're even giving you the freedom to share these free MP3 downloads with friends, family, or colleagues. Even MORE free downloads are available by signing up below. More Audio Teachings by Earl NightingaleEarl Nightingale is still regarded by many as a forefather of the teachings we hear around wealth creation, the law of attraction and personal development. Mark Victor Hansen regularly quotes from this old master in his books and speeches. We've collated several of Earl's best audios here in a series of blog posts. Let us know in the comments below what specific lessons that have spoken to you in these old tapes. The FLOW STATE can be described as a period of intense focus when you find yourself completely absorbed in what you’re doing and performing at the very limit of your capabilities. Achieving flow is essential for everyone seeking to play their very best game, deliver your greatest value and so create the greatest opportunity for the creation of wealth.. How you can achieve this state of extraordinary both professional productivity and personal enjoyment is what the guys at TEAM ME have been exploring recently. Learn more at: teamme.com/flow
BLOG Author: PadPad is a Trusted Advisor to Business Leaders, performers and Entrepreneurs around the globe, teaching heart-centred principles of success and achievement. Archives
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